What does your work say about you?

A soulful enterprise generates value founded on values

Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.

We can help you create more of the value you care most deeply about.

Do you know the whole value of what you do?

WholeValue workshops clarify the value you are generating and how it resonates with your values

Explore all the value you believe in and work to create

Map the distinct range of value that is your priority


WholeValue Workshops produce a Value Map which have several practical applications:

• Focus your vision on value you believe in and are in the business of creating
Shape your culture around the valuable priorities that are core to who you are
Discuss the value you are each passionate about contributing and set personal goals
Communicate to wider stakeholders the whole array of value you are generating.

Can we help you celebrate and generate whole value?

Please contact us to start a conversation about running a WholeValue workshop for your organisation or to learn more about our diagnostic tools.

You can also sign up for email updates on the Soulful Enterprise research project.